Dead Man's Banner

Playwright: Sarah Ruhl
Director: Adriana Baer
Scenic Designer: Rachel Finn
Costume Designer: Rachel Finn
Lighting Designer: Carl Faber
Sound Designer: Sharath Patel
Stage Manager: D. Westerholm

Original Performance Dates

January 29 - February 15 2015


Photography by David Kinder. (c) Profile Theatre 2015. *Original Music by Aaron Copland, Combustible Edison, John Morris, John Williams.

Dead Man's Cell Phone - Profile Theatre

We had a lot of fun with this one; a simple stage direction in the play called for a “cell phone ballet” in which members of the chorus come out and pantomime cell phone conversations in a ballet of the social and technological components of society leading to our disconnectedness. The production reflected on the fact that we only connect through our phones and the physical connectivity that we lack between people. A piece of well-known music that we can all connect to that had cascading disconnected disembodied voices that enveloped the audience through a twelve channel surround system.